Jackson's Personal Learning and Sports

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One of my strategies for reaching my full potential is to invest in my personal learning and growth every day. I commit to 30 minutes on my body and 30 minutes on my mind every day (on average for body).  I call this My 30 30. Unfortunately, most folks have the intentions to invest in themselves but unable to do it. For my son, I want it to become a habit...just something we do like brushing out teeth. No real thought, but get going working our minds...working on our bodies.


Below are some Lessons that I have created for Jackson to guide him on what to learn. By sharing these lessons, I am removing an obstacle to making learning a habit. Over time, it will be natural and he will be able to determine his own learning lessons. Primarily, I'm providing chapters from books I have read that have focused subjects and include my highlights for annunciation of key points.  He then has the "homework" of emailing me a report of the Top 3 Things he learned and how he has applied them in the current week.

Tony Robbins Youth Leadership Summit-2022

The following are key lessons learned in the leadership summit. They are provided here for easy access to review as we grow as leaders.

Fundamentals of a Leader
Robbins-Fundamentals of a Leader.jpg
JPG Image 107.7 KB
Fundamentals of a Leader
Robbins-Fundamentals of a Leader.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB
Belief of a Leader
Robbins-Belief of a Leader.jpg
JPG Image 38.8 KB
Belief of a Leader
Robbins-Beliefs of a Leader.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 905.6 KB
3 Elements of a breakthrough
Robbins-3 elements of a breakthrough.jpg
JPG Image 67.4 KB
3 Elements of a Breakthrough
Robbins-3 Elements of a Breakthrough.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.2 MB


The resource for the next few lessons is from Limitless by Jim Kwik.


This is a very good book on the concept of learning as part of your overall strategy of reaching your full potential.  I consider it a more advanced book in learning life execution, however the sections selected below are excellent for everyone.

Adobe Acrobat Document 8.4 MB
Limitless-Thinking Part 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.5 MB
Limitless-Thinking Part 2
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.2 MB

Limitless-Speed Reading
Limitless-Speed Reading.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 13.3 MB
Limitless-Memory Part 1
Limitless-Memory-Part 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 8.8 MB
Limitless-Memory Part 2
Limitless-Memory-Part 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.0 MB

21 Morals-21 Productivity Killers

The resource for the next few lessons is from a book that was shared by the author pre-release. It was originally named 21 Morals, but the name changed upon formal release.  My notes were from the original name, thus the difference.  


Note..this is a good book for the basics of life execution. Recommend beginning students to read to learn basic pitfalls of  life execution and strategies to overcome.

21 Morals- Watch the Ping
21 Morals-Watch the Ping.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.3 MB
21 Morals- Motivational Changes
21 Morals-Motivational Changes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.3 MB
21 Morals- Extra Credits
21 Morals-Extra Credit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB

21 Morals-Conclusion/Summary
21 Morals-Summary.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.9 MB


For fullscreen viewing, copy link and open in browser.

Napoleon Hill-Time
Great chapter from Hill on the value of Time and the seasons of life.
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.8 MB
Unlimited Success-Kennedy-Ch. 10-Be a Promoter
Chapter excerpt from Kennedy book on the need to Promote oneself in order to reach your full potential. You don't wait for others to discover you, you go out and get discovered for your genius.
Unlimited Success-Be a Promoter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB


We consider sports an important part of learning and personal development. From leadership and teamwork, to pushing your past your edge for success. Below are some highlight videos of Jackson in sports.


Jackson Football highlights on HUDL: tinyurl.com/Maxprep-Hollis NCAA ID: 2305910738.


Better to watch on Youtube and feel free to leave comments!


USA Powerlift Event- Jackson's 1st event (March 2024)

CCC Weight Training-2021/22

2022 CCC Varsity Football

The links are to the HUDL site for viewing with BIG Screen, else you can watch here.

CCC vs. St. Pete Catholic (just over 1 quarter of play due to cancellation from lightening)

Big WIN over Jesuit Tigers-100722- Outstanding TEAM Victory


Clearwater Central Catholic (CCC) 1st JV Game-1st HS Touchdown

Shorecrest vs Foundation Academy

Shorecrest vs NCS-103020

2021 Track and Field Middle School- Shorecrest